Being a Tourist without Paying Tourist prices

Meeting and conversing with the locals is a must when learning where the genuine savings are. The ability to be a tourist but I do not like paying as a tourist is amazing. Everywhere I traveled learning how to relate and blend in with the people is fun and saves money every day. Locals are happy to share where the best pubs, bars, local markets, fairs, and entertainment can be found.

The challenge is, are people are willing to share this valuable knowledge and where do they spend their time? Cafe’s, parks, and the markets in the tube stations, at the bus stations, and airports or on the flight because you already have something in common. Hostels are amazing places to walk to and have a little chat with because many are not from the area and know where to get the same results. For example, in London, I learned that I can go the 7th floor of a museum (free) and experience the same view without nature’s elements or pay the 20 pounds.

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